Wednesday, November 4, 2009

This is how a heart works

If I could find the words
If I could tell what's happening
Its a whirlwind of chaos
And I'm stuck at the starting point
But then A moment comes
and a question follows
and a heart en swallows and effervescent light

A Moment to fight for
A moment to hold close to
a simple word
is all you need
as a heart pleads for maybe
Just don't hold back
and let your mind wander
You can't say no, if she says go

This is how heart works
This is how a heart bleeds
This is how a heart yearns
This is what a heart needs.

Monday, October 26, 2009

This is how a heart works

So this song was given to me by a friend, the musical part of it was a guitar piece. I knew right from listening to it that it kind of needed to be a love song, as most songs are love songs if you take the time to listen to them..(with possibly the exception of something like birthday sex ...) So I came up with these lyrics. The hardest part of reading lyrics, is that you need to hear them first. So I am out of time for class, i will post it the next time i am online. The song is called This is how a heart works.

Mr. Almighty

So This weekend I was in Boston, In Boston Common, walking around after a choir rehearsal. I had a vanilla chai, and my friend sent me a text message. I always call him a king, because he has a very kingly persona. While he was texting me, I saw this couple walk by. The man in the couple had a very kingly persona, and was treating his girlfriend as if she was his property. And Then I here it is. You should know that lyrics are very personal, regardless of who they are ever written about.

Mr. Almighty you've got the world on a string
You've got every little girl
Wrapped around your finger and
Its a classical story of a man who finds his doe
Its a classical tragedy of a woman stuck in woe

Cause you ache, and you plead
you have a want and you grab it
keeping your love on a leash
and you find
the one you may covet
doesn't quite love
the kind of compensation
from a lovers whirled damnation
keeping you tied down
Lovin that keeps you bound

Mr. Almighty you've got a throne to rule the world
Mr. Im sure that you haven't forgotten the one who's by your side
Never divide never separate the consequence
Cause when she's gone, your kingdom won't make any sense

Cause you ache, and you plead
you have a want and you grab it
keeping your love on a leash
and you find
the one you may covet
doesn't quite love
the kind of compensation
as she's walking away
A pure damnation of power
to abuse to the night of the very day.

Change of Blog

So After a few days, i got really really tired of watching horror films, because as excited as i was to experience them...i realized i didn't like them half as much as i thought i was going to. SO I'm changing my blog.

I love writing songs, and I probably have three or four books at my house filled with music. I usually get my inspiration from other people's lives, observing other people's habits. If A song is ever personal I never bother to explain why I wrote it. I don't really think that's the point? The most important thing I think is that when you read the lyrics, you each individually as people take something away from it that may not even be the reason why the song was written. Thus lyrics I write tend to be vague? sometimes not...but the next two entries are going to be songs I wrote this weekend while I was in Boston. Just tell me if you like them or not. Its like an interactive blog.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Scare off your pants

SO...i have a confession to make. i have never seen a scary movie. i have never even bothered to try and see one, and i know it sounds pathetic...but that's only because it is. And i figured that Halloween is just around the corner, so what a better way to experience Halloween by watching my very first horror film. I will start by renting and watching the top 5 scariest movies of all time, as determined by Entertainment weekly. i do have certain expectations, based merely on previews and other people's opinions. I expect the movies to be scary, dark, and primarily gory. Some of the scariest movies i have noticed (I apologize for the lack of capitals, both shift keys are stuck to the keyboard) are very violent. I believe that violence is the key to fear. The top five scariest movies of all time are as follows:

SILENCE OF THE LAMBS (won four oscars on my birthday!)

i will select two of these out of a hat every Sunday, watch and review. any suggestions?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So This is my first entry to this blog. I needed to find a direction in which my blog could head, and I decided in the choice to critique film. I love movies, I love observing all aspects of film, and I would like to share my love of film with others. When it comes to film, the choice to watch a movie is inevitably up to the viewer. Anything I say I wish that you would not take it to heart, as my opinion on a particular film may not match that of your own. But I hope that my opinion will give you insight into how other people view film.